The only Duo package for migraines and light sensitivity. One pair to help prevent, one pair to help alleviate
What are Blue495™ Lenses?
UltimateView™ Blue495™ lenses are the solution to protect your eyes from harmful blue light, reduce glare, and prevent eye strain. These special lenses from 39DollarGlasses not only benefit your eye health, but they can also help you get a better night’s sleep. Overexposure to artificial blue light…
UltimateView™ Blue495™ lenses are the solution to protect your eyes from harmful blue light, reduce glare, and prevent eye strain. These special lenses from 39DollarGlasses not only benefit your eye health, but they can also help you get a better night’s sleep. Overexposure to artificial blue light, emitted by smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices, can trick your body to stop releasing Melatonin: the sleep hormone. This may disrupt your natural sleep cycle, causing restless nights tossing and turning. That is exactly where a pair of Blue495™ blue light blocker glasses can make the real difference. These lenses are engineered to filter out harmful blue light, limiting your exposure and reducing the strain on your eyes. The lenses have a state-of-the-art anti-reflective coating, which blocks blue rays in the high energy visible light (HEV) spectrum. That is exactly why blue light blocking lenses are the top choice for computer glasses. That said, these anti blue light glasses are just as functional for those people that spend a lot of time on their smartphone or tablet at night: as even smaller screens can cause overexposure. The benefits of Blue495™ lenses are compatible with most Rx prescriptions, including clear single vision lenses (both reading and distance), and even clear progressives (no-line bifocals). If you spend your days staring at screens and/or being exposed to artificial blue light, a pair of prescription blue light glasses is simply an essential to keep your eyes - and sleep cycle - balanced and in harmony!